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Cosmic News: Equinox Week


March 20, 2005 – SPRING EQUINOX jump-starts us into the astrological year. It opens a week thick with planetary turnings of the tide and emotional paradigm-shifts, punctuated by a Full Moon in Aries-Libra. The following calendar outlines the sequence of stimulating potentials.
This trickster planet appears to go backward in the sky three to four times a year for three weeks at a time. Mercury retrograde is blamed for many mini-disasters and, yes, cars can tend to break down, we play more telephone tag, and computers want a vacation. But the world goes on — learn to use it.
Mercury retrograde is about RE-THINKING. For these three weeks it is asking us to check our Aries impulsiveness and reconsider new ideas before we find ourselves out on the proverbial limb. Impatient Aries starts a lot of fires, but many go out, unattended. Why spend time on it if it isn't really your thing? What puts a sparkle in your eye and moves you to action? Think about it twice . . . THEN do it — after April 13.
At best, Aries generates new initiatives with clarity and courage. Otherwise it can ride roughshod over others, pushing its way rudely forward in a trigger-happy manner. There are some of those people around.
Ruler of Aries, Mars has a big say in what's going on. This planet activates new social dynamics in Aquarius, stimulating groups of people to act. Perhaps especially men. Mars comes into an interesting conjunction with Chiron, evoking spiritual warriorship — see below. Who's on your team?
Mythically Chiron is a unique being, a centaur who is a great teacher and healer, but who cannot heal himself. His gifts are to help others. In Aquarius, Mars suggests groups of men—troops, teams, clubs—shifting social conscience and consciousness. But it's not just men — it is about community action. There's that 60s song: "Come on, people, smile on your brother, everybody get together and love one another right now." That's what it's all about, plus a little positive political action doesn't hurt either. Chiron aligns the spiritual, mental-emotional and physical levels, and will literally point out where the energy isn't moving through smoothly.
Do you know where is your Chiron is? Most everyone born 1955-1960 has Chiron in Aquarius, with extended antennae tuning into the higher atmospheres. See CHIRON SPECIAL below.
Saturn has been retrograde since November and is now turning face-forward to finish its last months in the sign Cancer. Cancer is like a cow with seven stomachs. After these Saturn retrograde months of deep feeling, careful reflection, resolving old issues, working through hesitancies and fears, Saturn says we're DONE looking back. IT'S TIME, spring time – time for new unfoldings, taking steps. Circumstances manifest (Saturn) in response to needs (Cancer) — both personal and social. Where Saturn demonstrates lack, Cancer wants to supply. Let it in, be open to the flow.
The BLACK MOON LILITH stands by Saturn, the Great Cosmic Mother giving birth to whatever is needed. Ask her, name it. She will feed your soul first, for what is of primary necessity is soul growth. When we open our souls, all is provided. Remember the lilies of the field.
March 23: Mars conj Chiron 2 Aquarius
March 24: Venus sextile Mars-Chiron
Venus has been hanging out with the Sun, enveloped by its light and invisible to us. In May she will make her evening debut of the year. Venus and the Sun=Sun Goddess. In Aries, she shines forth as Zena, Amazon warrior-queen, acting with integrity and clarity. She sends a sexy sextile glance over at Mars in Aquarius. Aries and Aquarius work well together, stimulating a good emotional flow between Venus and Mars, the female-male interaction. It takes a special man to appreciate and be a match for Zena.
Here is an early, lovely example:
Sophia, named for the goddess of wisdom, is having her Chiron return, at 0 degrees Aquarius. The Sabian Symbol is


Sophia lives in said California hills. One recent night a man violently broke into her house. The police responded — the town's entire swat team, dozens of them, all brandishing automatic weapons. Miraculously, nobody was hurt, not even the intruder. The man was arrested, then let free, pending a hearing. The neighborhood and the police are on alert.
One young police officer had stayed with her for hours after the break-in. Sophia sent a thank you card to her special protector: "You are truly Peace Officers in the true sense of the word." He came back by to check on her and said they rarely get thanked for the work they do. He photocopied the card and handed copies out to the entire task force.
Sophia reports: "He told me the guys were all over the moon about this! It's wonderful to imagine their reactions, because on one side I put stars and butterflies around the text: 'You guys rock!'"
From the heart of her Chiron return, Sophia says: People need to be reminded how much beauty can come out of what seems like horrifying darkness. We all need hope and inspiration …
March 25: EASTER FULL MOON in Aries-Libra
The Full Moon in Libra reflects the light of the Sun in Aries, looking for cooperation. We can't do it alone. This is the high-light and high tide of the month. This first Full Moon after Spring Equinox marks Easter each year. Here in the Caribbean, we can see the Easter bunny sitting in the Easter egg of the Full Moon. You in more extreme latitudes, what do you see in your Easter Moon egg?
We can only take so much Plutonian transformation at a time. The Sagittarian fires of inspiration and vision are to be fueled at a very deep inner level until September, Pluto moves forward again.
Sabian Symbol for 25 Sagittarius:

We can play in our imagination to re-vision reality — or escape from it. Mythopoesis is a form of research in which storytelling is considered a fundamental category of thinking and learning. Joan Halifax wrote:
Stories knit together the realities of past and future, of dreamed and intended moments. They teach us how we perceive and why we wonder.
What is the story you are telling yourself? Do you want to change this story in your real life? Imagine possibilities within in all their brightest colors. We have Pluto in Sagittarius for just a few more years, galloping on toward further cosmic vistas. Let your imagination gallop to the stars, like a wild horse.
Whiter than the snow and salt crystals
The flora of the night opens its petals
And grows, filling spaces of the sky
Where the azure horse neighs, kicks out, and bolts
Toward field covered with recent stars
Across harvests of stars and reflections
Of the fire of four horseshoes splashing the veils
He dives to the very depths of the milky darkness
Unfurling the ribbon of the abolished cycles….

–Robert Desnos, The Fire After-Midnight

AOL USERS: I have had AOL messages blocked since January. If you have been trying to email me with no response, that is why. Please try again now. I welcome your messages.
CHIRON READING – Where is Chiron in your chart? What does it mean to you that Chiron is entering Aquarius? Chiron adds a unique dimension to your chart, the maverick element, a daimonic guidance, a healing journey, a window into past lives, a soul gift. Alice was having a Chiron transit when she went down the rabbit hole into an altered space-time reality. Are you in one now? Aren't we all! Though irregular, Chiron has a 50-year orbit, so I am offering a 50-minute reading for $50 – until the April 8 eclipse.

Editor's note: Astrologer Kelley
Hunter lives on St. John, U.S. Virgin Islands, where she leads stargazing nights. She teaches with Self Centre International at Caneel Bay Resort. Hunter recently earned her doctoral degree in an interdisciplinary combination of philosophy, cosmology and myth. To be on her e-mail list for monthly articles or for an astrology consultation, write [email protected]. Explore her Web site here

Copyright 2005 by M. Kelley Hunter


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