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Too bad Russia, during her days of communism and attempts to rule the world, did not know the moral commitment the United States has placed on its leaders. Would it not have been threatening if a Lewinsky type was used as a spy to dismantle a government? Don’t worry, China, Cuba and other so-called “enemies of the state,” to include Saddam, are listening and taking notes.
Is it a litmus test? You betcha! You see, University of California Regents versus Bakke was the beginning of the United States Supreme Court sustaining the litmus test using the so-called “white male” as example of ex and inclusion in social problems of our America. Bakke and white skin color became constitutional reasons to deny minorities rights guaranteed by the United States Constitution. Then, down went “Affirmative Action.”
How does this become a litmus test and how is Clinton and Lewinsky involved? Mrs.. Dole waits in the wings for a possible candidacy as president. What happens when she’s asked if she ever dated a black man, or, if she had premarital sex, or, if she has messed around on her husband, any of them if more than one? What happens to a General Colin Powell who is asked if he ever had sex with a subordinate soldier in his entire career, or, if he has had foreign women while serving overseas, or, if he has messed around on his wife?
Impeachment is an indictment concept of law saved for elected officials because of high crimes against the state? Possibly, President Clinton has committed sodomy. A crime, yes, but not a high crime against the state. Okay, then let the local prosecutor prosecute him. Can’t do that because no one complained officially. Lewinsky and Jones sought civil action in hopes of earning some money like any prostitute on the streets. Ken Starr and others became the complainant in this case and turned a possible sodomy violation into high crimes against the state. As a matter of fact, sodomy, only, is a low level crime in any state one can go to. And, it is impossible for sodomy to be a sexual act as sexual acts are for procreation alone; any other sexual contact, disguised as sex, is for pleasure alone; that’s the reason it is labeled sodomy.
Most of congress, to include the special prosecutor process, ought to be forced by citizens to take a laxative as that is one of the few instances where liquid runs from both ends with little or no resistance. We must not allow morality to become a litmus test in actuality wherein the qualifications clearly dictated in the United States Constitution does not require it. Look at the qualifications in the United States Constitution and you’ll find that the very court judges and justices have no qualifications. My opinion, qualifications would limit their ability to accept a lifetime appointment and force them to adhere to law, public pressure, morality, spirituality and the Lewinsky’s of the world.


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