Dear Source,
Thank you, thank you, thank you…..I have been looking for a way to showcase the children's work in computer class and since I am retiring in June I am thankful for this opportunity.
I have taught in St. Thomas since 1967 and Computer Ed since 1985 when I started the program at Kirwan Terrace School. I had been teaching the gifted and when we decided to add that to the curriculum, I was given the opportunity to teach the class. In 1992, I transferred to Lockhart School to start the Computer Ed program here.
All of the students from kindergarten through sixth grade including the MIS classes and the ESL classes receive computer instruction. I teach third through sixth and Ms. Fox teaches kindergarten through second. We are very proud of our computer program and due to the efforts of a hard-working technology committee, we were one of the first schools last year to receive a $30,000 technology grant which has been used to set up a science lab.
In my classes the students learn computer basics, keyboarding, word processing, graphics and the use of the Internet. We had e-pals from a school in Ohio and one in Texas as well as one girl from Mexico and one from Denmark. That program has ended because the school year is coming to an end but some of the students remain in contact with their e-pals using their home computers.
The Mocko Jumbie with the tree in the background was drawn by Jessica McDonna, a student in the ESL (English as a Second Language Class). She is a very good student and talented in many areas. She was the first runner-up in the Miss Lockhart Pageant.
The Mocko Jumbie with the stars in her hair was drawn by Marlon Angol, a sixth grader. He is a well rounded young man.
Thanks for such a good online local news source. I have sent it to all my former students that are now in the states and to teachers and friends that want to keep informed on the local happenings.
Deitra Stevens
Lockhart School
St. Thomas


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