Home Commentary Open forum 'I'M ADDING YOU TO MY FAVORITE LIST'



Dear Source,
I have no idea who you are but I honestly think you are doing a wonderful job.
My name is Bonnie Cabo and I am a faithful listener of Radio 1000. Just about every morning I hear Anita Davis talking about One Paper.com but I have never got around to looking you up. Now that I have, I am definitely going to add you to my favorite list.
I am a 21-year-old born and raised Virgin Islander who appreciates the small and simple things in life as I learn many different things along the way. I do believe in complimenting others when I see fit to do so, and you deserve a whole lot more than just a compliment in my opinion.
Congratulations, whoever you are, and keep up the good work. With our economy the way it is, we need more people like you who care enough to share information with others throughout the world.
Now do not get me wrong, I am not saying that people do not care about their community but with people like yourself it most definitely shows.
Again, take care and please do keep up the good work. From someone who appreciates
hard work and determination.

Bonnie Cabo


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