Home Commentary Open forum ALASKA READER SAYS DON'T GO



I recently read with amusement and encouragement the comments by the couple from Michigan and also the comments from the Hawaii couple. They both spoke in relation to corruption and racism on the islands. The Michigan couple found no problems and are planning to move there after having made new friends and having a wonderful time. The Hawaii couple found themselves immersed in a pool of corrupt racism and stupidity. I would dare wager that it does not take too much thinking to know who was looking for that.
If you go somewhere, expecting the worst, then you will only see the negatives. If you are going to go somewhere, expecting only bad things, then do yourself and everyone else a favor – DON'T GO. I applaud the Michigan's couple courage in deciding to move to St Thomas. I happen to currently reside in Anchorage, Alaska and am planning on moving to St Thomas myself to attend college. I have heard plenty of the Prosser deal and don't like it. I never dealt with hurricanes before and am nervous of the upcoming season. I have read a sampling of the other problems at the islands. But I have also met a few people on the net who are very wonderful and kind and fun to write to. I have kept myself up to date on all the good things the islands have to offer – including a chance to start over. So despite any negatives, which can be found anywhere in the world, I am happily and excitedly moving to the islands.
In closing, perhaps the Hawaii couple know only fear and doubt. Maybe they should try to learn to uncover their eyes and not be so ignorant. Perhaps they will see that the islands are not nearly as bad as anywhere else. Heck I will even venture to say that Hawaii is much much worse!! One other thing, perhaps they should review how they were treating others? Maybe they were being rude and obnoxious like most ignorant people are? Just a thought.
Arthur Tony DeVangelis, Alaska


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