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We frankly are tired of all the time wasted on the senate floor by politicking and posturing. No one we know is impressed by senators who feel the need to waste everyone's precious time while they campaign for re-election instead of doing the people's business.
We are bankrupt, yet our senators are among the top paid legislators in the country. And we can't get a quorum for a Rules Committee meeting. When our senators do show up for their committee meetings many of them use the time solely to advance their own positions, or so they think.
We think most Virgin Islanders are as sick of it as we are. Get the work done without the political drama. We are running out of time to make some serious decisions.
With the budget hearings coming up we are desperate to get the message out that there is no time for silly posing. There is a hard task ahead of the 23rd Legislature and we would like to see the task, not the personalities, addressed.
To see what senators serve on which committees go to Community Data, "Who's Who in the V.I. Government."And the next time a committee does not have a quorum, call the missing senators and ask why.


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