Home Lifestyles Advice TEN PET MYTHS AND FACTS



1) True or false? A pet with a hot dry nose is sick.
False: The feel of a pet's nose is no indication of health.
2) True or false? All cats need milk in their diet.
False: After a cat is weaned, it loses the ability to digest milk. Milk
in an adult cat's diet can cause diarrhea.
3) True or false? Cats always land on their feet.
False: Cats have an excellent sense of balance, but sometimes this is
not enough to prevent a fall.
4) True or false? Some diseases can be transferred between pets and
their owners.
True: Some diseases are spread from pets to people. Many diseases are
not contagious. Your veterinarian can establish if you or your family
is at risk from an unhealthy pet.
5) True or false? If animal feces are not removed from a garden, people
can contract parasites from vegetables grown in this garden.
True: If possible animals should be kept out of gardens. Gloves should
be worn while gardening. Hands should be washed after gardening, and
vegetables should be washed before being prepared.
6) True or false? Animals eat grass when they are ill, or have an upset
False: After much research and speculation, nobody knows for sure why
animals eat grass.
7) True or false? If a pet has worms, they will be visible in the stool.
False: Many worms are not visible to the naked eye. Often the only way
to diagnose intestinal parasites is by identification of the eggs through a microscope. Sometimes there are no symptoms or weight loss and a scruffy hair coat may be the only signs.
8) True or false? All dog food is the same.
False: The label may only list ingredient minimums and does not
identify the quality of the ingredients. The premium brands will have
better quality control than cheaper brands. Cheap dog food is like
eating junk food, while eating premium dog food is like eating health
9) True or false? Dogs are color blind.
False: Dogs can see some color, but not as sharply as humans.
10) True or false? If a dog is washed frequently, it can cause dandruff.
True: The skin can become dry with bathing. Special pet shampoos are
formulated to prevent dandruff when frequent bathing is necessary.
Editor's note: Dr. Laura Palminteri Practices veterinary medicine at Cruz Bay Canines, Cats & Critters on St. John. A 1991 graduate of the University of Pennsylvania School of Veterinary Medicine, she practiced small animal and equine medicine in New York before opening her practice on St. John.


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