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Democracy in Action, The People Take a Stand


Dear Source:
I have watched with interest the growing support within our community of the recall petition, and would hope that the very least that would come of this initiative is that it sends a strongly worded warning to our elected officials. As officials elected by the people, employed by the people, and answerable to those same people, this effort has shown that "the people" are becoming much more active, pro-active, re-active, and less tolerant of the "business-as-usual" of the past.
If permissible, I would suggest to the parties named in this petition that they review the vast list of voters that have signed in support of the initiative. I can imagine that they might suffer from an element of surprise when they witness, first-hand, the presented signatures of members of the community that have officially endorsed the recall petition. (It might also serve as a reality check for those that don't believe their constituency, "their people," have supported the recall!)
While the petition may fall short of the mandated number of voters necessary to take the initiative to the polls, I, for one, must admit to a pleasant surprise of so very many taking a public stand against what they consider to be unacceptable actions.
Democracy in Action! Beautiful!
"Accountability" is a word that has been excessively bantered around during a number of recent year's election campaigns. I do believe that I smell a pervasive mandate-of-accountability on the wind!
Bridget Cox-Dawson
St. Croix

Editor's note: We welcome and encourage readers to keep the dialogue going by responding to Source commentary. Letters should be e-mailed with name and place of residence to [email protected].


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