Home Arts-Entertainment Showcase From Page to Stage Postpones 'Bee-luther-hatchee' to May

From Page to Stage Postpones 'Bee-luther-hatchee' to May


Feb. 28, 2007 – From Page to Stage has postponed its March production of "Bee-luther-hatchee" by Thomas Gibbons. The play was originally scheduled to be performed March 8, 9, and 10 at Good Hope School's James C. Savage Performing Arts Center. It is now rescheduled for May 3, 4, and 5.
"Unfortunately, one of our actresses discovered, after rehearsals had begun, that she would be leaving St. Croix before the production dates. We did try to replace her, but it became clear that we wouldn't be able to do so quickly enough to allow the new actress sufficient rehearsal time. Since we are committed to doing great theater, we didn't want to jeopardize the quality of the show just to meet our announced production dates," said Jeanne Johnston, the theater company's artistic director and director of the play. "We decided canceling the show would be in our and in our audience's best interest.
"We hated the idea of not being able to do this very special play, though, and so decided to move 'Bee-luther-hatchee' into the May slot. 'Hate Mail,' the play originally planned for May, will be moved into a future season."
"Bee-luther-hatchee" is an African-American slang term from the early twentieth century. Its meanings include: "an absurd or ironic situation" and "the last stop after the Biblical hell." The cast of "Bee-luther-hatchee" includes Vincent Colianni, Oceana James, Allan Laberteaux, and Lisa Vaughan.


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