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Taking Some Responsibility


Dear Source:
Senator Celestino White criticized the Federal Government about the possibilities of rent increases for our VI Housing. He stated: "Now they are taking food out of the bellies and clothes off of the backs of the most disadvantaged in our Community".
I, too, am so frustrated and concerned for our VI's poorest citizens- especially single women trying their best to care for their children. However, to you Senator White I must say: How about taking a look at how you took advantage of our community when you voted for Bill #6905 to increase unwarranted salary increases when our Islands are in such a financial mess; ignored the wishes of the little average guy on St. John who is impacted and suffering by the Sirenusa variance project and it's effect; and how about the millions of federal dollars lost by our Islands through many years now-due to mismanagement by our Legislature and overall past government- in which you have had a very active role? My opinion is that the 26th Legislature is responsible for "taking food out of the bellies and clothes off of the backs of the most disadvantaged in our Community".
I ask you to take some responsibility for your involvement in the mess and show your concern for the least of our citizens by repealing Act
#6905. I also wish you would approach issues in a more positive, productive manner as a Majority leader instead of criticizing put-downs; clowning or "grand standing". I see that the tactics of "constant divisiveness" whether with our Executive Branch or Federal Branch is counter-productive to the many needs we have and frankly, very tiresome.
The biggest problem we have right now is the inability of public officials, mostly our Legislative Branch, to "own" the present problems we are now in, and make the necessary changes to move our Islands forward! Instead of focusing on hanging on to "power and control" –how about focusing on how to help the least advantaged in our Community? My God, there is so much work to do-and you are in the position to make some true changes. Our Executive branch, under Gov. de Jongh is obviously doing hard work. Please, Senator White, consider working more closely with them for the good of our Islands. We need you to step up to the plate now more than ever. If you really do care about the poor-lead our Legislative Branch in demonstrating so.
Bonny Corbeil
St. John

Editor's note: We welcome and encourage readers to keep the dialogue going by responding to Source commentary. Letters should be e-mailed with name and place of residence to [email protected].


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