Home Lifestyles Advice Coach Paradise: Should I Stay or Should I Go?

Coach Paradise: Should I Stay or Should I Go?


Dear Coach Paradise,
I have heard about career coaching and am really sick of my job. It is a good job, pays well and people keep telling me how lucky I am to have it. But I keep not wanting to go to work, and dreaming that there is something else I could be doing that would make me feel inspired and excited, even though I don't really know what that is. Do you think I should just shut up, count my blessings and get with the program, or keep looking for that perfect job or career? My friends say I'm a dreamer and its time to wake up!
Dear Dreamer,
The world needs people like you — dreamers. Remember John Lennon's "You may say that I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one …." Dreams expand and create the universe, so dream on. If you are serious about turning your daydreaming into some inspired action that might actually lead you somewhere you want to be, doing something you love, career or life coaching would help you tremendously.
Being grateful for your current job is a good place to start. Gratitude is a rich, nourishing soil. It would be helpful to ask: "What do I enjoy here? What is working for me? What aspects of my current job utilize my skills and talents?" Then, you can begin looking at what you dislike and asking yourself what you would like instead. Example: "I don't like working all by myself in a cubicle, but I would like to work in collaboration with others." Looking at your situation from both perspectives will help clarify what you want, in detail.
You don't say if you have always wanted to be a (fill in the blank)? Or if you just know in your gut that there is more to life than this. Either way, exploring your needs, wants, desires, talents and dreams is the place to start. There are assessments that can help you learn how your particular personality, skills sets and interests match up with real-world jobs. Once you are able to see what is unique to you and describe the kind of work situation you would like to create, you are on your way.
The law of attraction says that when you focus on something you want and feel good about it, it is on its way into your life. When you are in a place where you just know that you will figure out a way to be excited about what you do, doors will open and opportunities will show up. They may be for additional training, promotions, new positions, relocation, starting your own business, etc. They may be invitations to join the circus or other risky businesses.
The final ingredient here is courage. Many people stay stuck because they are afraid.
You can be afraid that things will not work out and you will end up in dire straits, or you can know that change is a given and go for the gold. You can also decide that until you have a solid plan, you're not going to quit your day job! Take it one step at a time and get a coach to help you get clear, stay on track and be creative in your search for a way to love what you do and be excited about your life.
To your outrageous success,
Coach Paradise
Editor's note: Coach Paradise (AKA Anne Nayer), Professional Life Coach, is a member of the International Coaching Federation, an MSW clinical social worker-psychotherapist and a medical case manager with 30 years experience working with people of all shapes, sizes and challenges. For further information about her services, call 774-4355, visit her website or email her.


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