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Common Sense Prevails


Dear Source:
I agree wholeheartedly with Governor John P. DeJongh Jr, refusing to send such a horrendous controversial document to the attention of President Barack Obama. I cannot comprehend how people would consider themselves to be so educated, and yet they do not offer any type of common sense of the sort to this matter.
I currently reside in Atlanta Georgia and was horrified to hear of the various foolishness and trash that were inserted into this document. If the truth be told there is no such thing as true Virgin Islander, each of has ancestors that hailed from other parts of the various Caribbean islands via our forefathers. For the delegates to insinuate that if you are not born in St. Thomas you have no rights to vote on a particular issue, or hold an elected office is crazy. I cannot imagine anywhere in the world that you see such ignorance outlined ineffectively.
Why are the delegates advocating that if you are not born in the Virgin Islands that you must pay property taxes and those that are born there should not pay. I can image the look on the face of the President if he was to view a copy of this trash, — trash because that is exactly what it is.
When are we going to come together as a people and unite?
President Obama ran on a ticket of Unity, are our eyes so blind that we cannot tell the difference and be kind towards our brothers and sisters.
Governor DeJongh, I applaud you for allowing common sense to dictate instead of propaganda and foolishness created by the Fifth Constitutional Convention.
Monica Ryan
Atlanta, Georgia


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