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VIPD Seems to Be Turning the Tide Against Crime


Dear Source:

St. Croix seems to be stepping-up the teamwork in regards to our police department. Last week we saw the photo of over 1400 destroyed weapons, and if timing is right one can see the briefing on the government channel. This was an astonishing fete to have had accomplished. Considering that some of the destroyed items had been in storage since the 70s, it seems to me that it took VIPD 30 years to plan to clean out the room, but only a few months to actually do the work. I went on the VIPD website http://www.vipd.gov.vi/pdf/christopher-howell-resume.pdf and read Deputy Chief Howell’s resume, then it all made sense. Chief Howell has a record of commendation, continuing education, and so importantly a history of accomplishment. Chief Howell has a history that extends beyond local law enforcement that truly seems to be helping the community of STX. Chief Howell also has a history within VIPD that definitely marks him as the right person to have been tasked with the position of Deputy Chief.
Most important of all is the teamwork I am noticing as I listen to the news and watch the briefings of the STX Police Department. Chief Benta descended upon our community last year with a dedication to upholding the law that had not been seen for a long time. He now has doubled that dedication effort by retaining Deputy Chief Howell. With a team at the helm such as these two men, I can truly feel that we on STX are on the fast track to nabbing our criminals, and then by default realizing a true reduction in crime.
It seems my previous concerns with a change in the Police Commissioner are now unfounded. Commissioner Francis has proven me wrong by keeping the momentum of our Chiefs, while working diligently on the moral of the whole department.
I would like to raise my glass to our Police Department, the whole department. This police administration does now seem that they are the ones who are going to turn our rate of crime around. Cheers!
Krista Schluderman
St. Croix


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