Home News Local news Alert: Rolling WAPA Service Outages

Alert: Rolling WAPA Service Outages


Outages and service interruptions are being experienced as V.I. Water and Power Authority personnel continue to work to bring Unit No. 23 at the Randolph Harley Power Plant online, after it tripped offline Monday.

As of noon on Tuesday, service was currently interrupted to the following feeders:

– Feeder No. 7D includes Emerald Hill, Frydendahl, Point Pleasant, Red Hook, Smith Bay and neighboring areas;
– Feeder No. 9D includes Bolongo Bay, Bovoni, Frenchman’s Bay, Thomasville and neighboring areas;
– Feeder No. 10B includes Bakkeroe, Havensight, Frenchman’s Bay, Flag Hill and neighboring areas.

From approximately 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Tuesday, the following feeders will experience service interruptions:

– Feeder No. 7C includes Four Winds, Time Center, Tutu High Rise, Cassi Hill and neighboring areas;
– Feeder No. 9C includes Brookman, Fort Mylner, Langsmath, Mariendahl, Nadir, Donoe, Wintberg Peak and neighboring areas;
– Feeder No. 9E (St. John) includes Chocolate Hole, Centerline, Fish Bay, Pastory and neighboring areas.

WAPA advises that every effort is being made to quickly restore service.


  1. Don’t forget to include feeder 7A experiencing it’s 17th outage in 6 weeks. Power off for outage #16 between 8 -10AM this morning, then off AGAIN for the 17th time, between 1 and 4:30PM.
    Can’t wait to see what happens this evening.

    Can’t they announce these outages PRIOR to cutting power so people can plan and prepare?

    Please remind me why we pay taxes?


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