Home News Local news CZM Board Approves Coral World Dolphin Attraction Request

CZM Board Approves Coral World Dolphin Attraction Request


The Coastal Zone Management Board on Wednesday approved a land and water permit that clears the way for a controversial new interactive dolphin attraction at the Coral World Marine Park.

The CZM permit request, first submitted in April 2012, called for the construction of a two-acre dolphin habitat.

While supporters have touted the potential for economic growth through the attraction, those in opposition to the permit have expressed concern to the environmental impact such a project would inflict on Water Bay as well as to the humane treatment of the dolphins.

Board member Sarah “Peggy” Simmonds questioned Coral World management on the potential loss of sea grass and existing coral, as well as her personal concerns as to the need for a potential expansion of the space currently utilized by the park’s sea lion exhibit.

In response, Coral World cited the 90 percent survival rate of worldwide coral transplants in larger coral heads and the minimal shading that would potentially affect the sea grass. The some 250 coral heads in question are estimated to be of softball size or less.

CZM board member Karl R. Purcell asked if the environmental impact might be diminished if the scope and area of the attraction were made smaller, but Coral World architect Brian Emerich pointed out that the exclusive dolphin visitation and breeding area was intended to be larger than required.

Coral World owner Trudi Prior said, “We are excited to have surmounted this hurdle and will certainly address each and every issue brought forth by the commission. We are truly excited to get started.”

A roll call vote of the board approved the Coral World permit, four to one, with only Purcell voting against it. Board members Simmonds, A. Winton Adams, Richard G. Brown and Chairman Austin “Babe” Monsanto voted for the measure.

Other CZM board action included approving permits to modify the construction timetable at parcel No. 14 in Estate Smith Bay. The new project includes 90 parking spaces, a gatehouse, bath house and restaurant concession building.

The board also approved a permit by Dopetri Inc. for the continued use and rental of submerged land areas at parcel 44 Estate Crown Bay.


  1. Unfortunately, the U.S. Virgin Islands shall now join the ranks of unenlightened countries that continue to perpetuate and perpetrate the culling, killing and taking dolphins for the captive dolphin entertainment trade, to be enslaved for the sake of GREED.

    Even many 3rd world countries ban all Dolphinariums and have created laws for their protection as well as sanctuaries in their territorial waters for whales, dolphins and other marine mammals, which is as it should be.
    What does that say about us here in the Virgin Islands when they refuse to allow captive Dolphin displays and our government allows it? Instead, we have wealthy individuals with political connections and ties being allowed to perpetuate this cruel enslavement of intelligent and magnificent marine mammal species while receiving EDC benefits, tax write-offs and exemptions. This is relevant for a company that says it hasn’t made a profit in 14 yrs. which the importation of those pathetic, captive Sea Lions was supposed to be a fix. If they want to make money, open a Water Park which is something everyone could support, endorse, and enjoy, not a Dolphinarium.

    I am sickened and saddened but not surprised.

    The Humane Society International and the World Society for the Protection of Animals states:
    ““The HSUS and WSPA believe that the entire captive experience for marine mammals is so sterile and contrary to even the most basic elements of compassion and humanity that it should be rejected outright.”

    The more that people educate themselves and realize the stresses caused by the captive confinement, the forced unnatural behaviors and dismal lives these intelligent dolphins and other marine mammals are forced to endure, all for the sake of GREED, the better.
    I plan a total boycott of Coral World. I shall never visit it again, promote it, recommend it nor advise any friends, family members, acquaintances’, guests nor any visitors to pay money to visit or support it in any way, shape or form. Nor should you!

    Bottom line:
    People need to be aware that if they visit a Dolphinarium, their money will be funding the next generation of dolphin misery. Through responsible whale and dolphin watching tours, people can see these animals in their natural environment where they belong.

    Here are some links that provide insight and education on why Dolphins should NOT be kept in captivity.



    as well as: http://savejapandolphins.org/take-action/help-spread-the-word

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