Home News Local news Coral Bay to Celebrate Labor Day in Its Own Style

Coral Bay to Celebrate Labor Day in Its Own Style


As it’s done for many, many years, the community of Coral Bay will come together Labor Day, which is Monday, for its annual celebration. The events begin at 11 a.m. with a parade that runs from Love City Minimart to the Coral Bay ballfield adjacent to Guy Benjamin School.

“It’s a good time for a family,” said Leona Smith, the St. John Administrator and a member of the organizing committee.

Alvis Christian, who is also one of the organizers, said the annual event is as old or even older that the island’s July 4th Festival.

“I grew up knowing we had fun and games,” said Christian, 62.

The event is organized by the St. John Festival and Cultural Committee, which Smith chairs, but she said the government has provided no funding. This means it’s left to volunteers to plan the parade and party.

Smith said that in previous years, local businesses have funded things like a band, but the businesses are facing economic woes so they’ve had to cut back.

The party features an opportunity to socialize as well as the chance to buy local foods. Christian said in addition to local foods sold by area cooks, the John’s Folly Learning Institute will have a kid’s meal of hot dogs, French fries, veggie burgers and punch. The Learning Institute will also hold a pig roast.

Christian said he expects school groups and others to participate in the parade. While the parade has historically never started on time, Christian said he hopes this year will be the exception.

“I hope we get lucky this year,” he said.

At issue is transportation. Christian asked the Public Works Department to run the VITRAN bus to Coral Bay on Labor Day so people coming from St. Thomas and those without cars on the Cruz Bay end of the island can attend, but he said Tuesday that he hasn’t received an answer. The VITRAN bus from Cruz Bay to Coral Bay doesn’t run on weekends and holidays.

“I’m not asking for the whole weekend, just Labor Day,” he said.

To participate in the parade, call Jane Johannes at 776-6450.


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