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This Is a Way to Emulate Nelson Mandela


Dear Source:
As we ponder the passing of Nelson Mandela and what he meant to the people of South Africa and to the rest of world, I thought about the many, many ways he struggled to help the most vulnerable among us daily in thoughts, words and deeds. For instance he cut his presidential salary when he came to power in 1994, and handed over a further third of it as a regular donation to a children’s fund.
Which led me to think about here at home and why our elected leaders might consider emulating this profound gesture as well. For instance while grateful and commendable that the 30th Legislature ended fiscal year 2013 with $17.1 thousand dollars of its annual appropriation returned unexpended to the treasury by a number of means including eliminating senators’ cell phones, reducing travel related per diem expenses, eliminating senators’ personal use of government vehicles and reducing our fleet of vehicles, reducing paper use and utility costs and sharing space on St. John with other governmental entities, I wonder if those same savings or even an equal 1/3 of a pay check could be used to help support in some ways the many struggling nonprofit agencies and community programs in our territory? Especially those that are dealing with homelessness and the mentally ill as your ongoing "Undercurrents" 5 part series reminds us all on that we have a serious crisis in our hands that truly needs attention in every way possible. However I understand that those funds will be used to address “serious” capital project requirements and upgrades the Legislature’s equipment. This generous action does not strictly apply to the first branch of government only, however it would make a profound impact in some small way to those who are in need, even for just a short period of time.
Just a thought to ponder as we hear more and more about this great man in the coming days and weeks on what he has given of himself and to the world in every possible way. I will be donating 1/3 of my next paycheck in his honor to Catholic Charities of the VI and I hope others might consider doing the same with another worthy organization or with the same.
Jason Budsan, St. Thomas


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