Home News Local news 'One Voice' Rallies Against Marriage-Equality Bill

'One Voice' Rallies Against Marriage-Equality Bill


Members of One Voice Virgin Islands speak at Thursday morning's rally in Emancipation Garden.They do not hate anyone based on sexual orientation, members of the newly formed One Voice Virgin Islands said Thursday, and they advocate for ‘universal’ or ‘brotherly’ love. But at a morning press conference at Emancipation Garden, members of the group said they oppose Sen. Judi Buckley’s marriage-equality bill because of Biblical principles that have been “set in stone” from the beginning of creation.

“Some may view this as a human rights or a civil rights issue, but it doesn’t matter what label is put on it – it is still the same,” apostle Alger B. Warren, a member of One Voice, said at the press conference. “It is a moral issue, and wile some may manipulate the scientific or political arguments, it doesn’t change the fact that marriage is ordained by God between a man and a woman and that position does not change regardless of the decisions of the V.I. Legislature or the Supreme Court.”

In June 2013, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in U.S. v. Windsor that the federal government must recognize same-sex marriages that have been legalized by the states. The decision struck down a key provision of the Defense of Marriage Act , which had been law since 1996.

Since then the marriage-equality movement has gathered steam. Legislatures in eight states have passed laws allowing same sex marriage or overturning laws forbidding it. In a ninth, Maine, voters approved the law change. And in state after state, district court judges have overturned state laws banning recognition of same-sex marriage, citing the high court’s Windsor decision.
Marriage equality is now recognized in 30 states – although in nine of those the court decisions have been appealed.

But the 10 One Voice speakers at the podium told the audience of about a dozen supporters Thursday that Buckley’s same-sex marriage bill, which would define marriage as a “civil contract that can be entered into between two people in accordance with law,” affects the moral fabric of society. A traditional marriage, between a man and a woman, is the foundation of any society and when that foundation crumbles, everything from violence to incest comes as a result, they said.

While One Voice was formed in response to Buckley’s bill, members said they also see it as an opportunity to advocate against the other societal issues plaguing the V.I. community.

Sarah Mackie shows her support for Sen. Judi Buckley's bill during the One Voice event.A dozen or so proponents of marriage-equality attended One Voice’s press conference and said they agree with the effort to address the community problems. They just don’t see how gay marriage is one of them.

“The first part of the speech touched on the same concerns that everyone has in the Virgin Islands,” St. Thomas resident Brigette Berry said. “We are concerned about the crime and the economy, where our young men are going, and what opportunities we’re giving our young people. So why can’t we go back and focus on that, because that’s what is really important.”

Berry added that supporters of the bill are fighting for a simple cause: equal rights.

St. Thomas resident Sarah Mackie talked about the difficulties she and her wife have faced over the past few years because they are a same-sex couple. If her wife goes to the hospital, Mackie said she is not able to visit because she is not considered family, nor is she able to cover her spouse under her insurance.

“Everyone has a different moral issue, but that is not to say that their moral issues are the same as mine,” Mackie said. “I love my wife and I wish we could get married legally. We’ve been together eight years, we have a beautiful family that we raise together and I don’t see how that’s wrong. We just want the opportunity to be afforded the same rights as everyone else and I am glad that we’re finally beginning to have this dialogue, I think it is a milestone for us in the Virgin Islands.”

Several of the bill’s supporters said passage of Buckley’s bill would bring economic benefits to the territory, from increased cruise ship calls to more hotel bookings and an increase in wedding tourism. It’s a win-win situation, some said.

Speaking after the press conference, pastor Lennox Zamore said he disagrees. Legalizing same-sex marriage based on the economic benefit would shift the territory’s focus from tourism-based to sex-based.

“We don’t want to balance our books by bringing the sex industry – whether it is same sex or not – to the Virgin Islands,” he said.

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  1. Good Grief! Such ignorance about same sex marriage coming from people quoting the bible who are supposed to love their neighbors as they love themselves .
    The problem when quoting the bible is that MEN actually wrote it, not GOD so I say let God sort things out when the time comes.
    Legalizing Gay Marriage is not bringing the “sex industry” to the VI. It is legitimizing caring, loving relationships, strengthening those ties and giving partners the rights and securities that other “married couples” have and to which they are entitled. What exactly is wrong with that?
    I would much rather see the VI promote marriage equality to enhance our economy than see Coral World continue to be allowed to promote Dolphin captivity with their proposed Dolphinarium to enhance their pockets due to their greed and continued ignorance with a project that more and more people, worldwide, who are educated about the dismal lives these captive Dolphins must endure will no longer attend and even “The Humane Society International and the World Society for the Protection of Animals have stated that they believe that “the entire captive experience for marine mammals is so sterile and contrary to even the most basic elements of compassion and humanity that it should be rejected outright.”

    That’s something that these people should be raising their voices about instead of denying people, who thru not fault of their own, have different sexual identities from our own and wish to make committed, loving lives together. We should all start practicing elements of compassion and humanity.

  2. Good grief these people need to go and worry about what’s in their closet. A lot of the same ones who are out there rallying against same sex marriage and gays are the main ones who are in the closet themselves. Where were these people when juveniles murder rate has sky rocketed among the young men in the VI. Where are these same bible leaf eating soles when there are so many grown man having sex with young under age girls and getting them pregnant. Where are these same poor soles when there are so much corruption in the government. Where are these poor soles when the education system in the Virgin Islands is failing the children. There are so many things that these people can place their time and efforts to correct but no they choose to march against gays because it their belief that gays are the weak ones that they can jump all over. They need to get a life because gays getting marry will not affect their lives in one way or thee other. That pastor Lennox is so perverted all he can think about is gays and sex.. I would think that being gay is more than just sex.


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