Home News Local news St. Croix Elections Board Members Miss Emergency Meeting

St. Croix Elections Board Members Miss Emergency Meeting


Media representatives, a few observers and staff members were in place for the 9 a.m. so-called emergency meeting at the St. Croix district Board of Elections office, but when Chairman Adelbert Bryan called the meeting to order at 10 a.m. he was the only board member present.

The only item on the agenda was to discuss the logistics of removing Sen. Alicia “Chucky” Hansen’s name from the Nov. 4 ballot in accordance with a V.I. Supreme Court ruling Friday evening.

It was Bryan who initiated the lawsuit to remove Hansen from the ballot due to “crimes of moral turpitude” – three convictions of willful failure to pay taxes. The case bounced between Superior Court and the Supreme Court before yesterday’s 66-page ruling. During the process, Hansen obtained a pardon from Gov. John deJongh Jr. in an effort to remain on the ballot. (See related links below.)

In Friday’s ruling, the V.I. Supreme Court ordered Caroline Fawkes, supervisor of Elections, to “immediately recall all ballots with Hansen’s name and replace them with ballots omitting her as a candidate – or to otherwise remove Hansen’s name from the ballot, such as by covering her name with an adhesive sticker.” (Supreme Court Hansen Order)

After the roll was called at 10 a.m. Bryan talked about options to replace ballots and other subjects for about an hour. At 11, board members Liliana Belardo de O’Neal and Roland Moolenaar arrived but added nothing to the discussion. Belardo de O’Neal said she “didn’t want to get into that,” and Moolenaar said his opinion was already on the record.

According to Bryan, Lisa Harris-Moorhead notified him before the meeting and said she would not attend without a lawyer. Board members Rupert Ross and Raymond Williams did not respond to the emailed meeting notice, Bryan said.

“The members are active parties in holding back the process,” Bryan said.

The only option is to print new ballots, according to Bryan. Since the DS200 voting machine is sensitive to any marks on the ballot, it would not read a ballot with tape over Hansen’s name, he said. According to Bryan, the V.I. Department of Property and Procurement could easily print new ballots for St. Croix without Hansen’s name in a few days.

Bryan answered questions from the media and members of the audience about the voting process. Regarding the more than 400 early voters, he said, none of the ballots had been tabulated, only stored in the locked voting machine. He suggested early voters could be notified through a press release and advised to return to the office and vote again. In that case, the current ballots would be put in storage. It was not clear how those voters who did not return would have their vote counted.

Asked about the continuation of early voting, Bryan said that without a quorum no decisions could be made until the joint boards meeting scheduled Monday. The office was open for voters Saturday.

Gwendolyn Whitaker, assistant supervisor of Elections, asked about putting rules for write-in voting on the record, but Bryan disallowed it. Voters can choose who they want, he said, but the votes won’t count if the candidate is not eligible to run.

“How can you vote for someone who is not eligible? That is not a vote for somebody,” he said.


  1. VI Watchdog
    Will the Joint Board of Elections vote to suspend the Terrible Three, Rupert Ross, Raymond Williams, and Lisa Harris Moorhead because of willful failure to attend? Like they did to STT election rights champion Wilma Marsh Monsanto?
    Will the early voting stop while the ballots are being printed?
    Will Carolyn Fawkes go to jail if she allows early voting to continue on the illegal ballots?
    Will the voters really re-elect Raymond Williams and Rupert Ross who got us into this mess?
    Will Chucky ever pay back the $180,000.00 she owes the VI government?
    Enquiring minds want to know.

  2. It is completely disrespectful and a total disservice to St. Croix voters for those members of the Board of Elections to deliberately not attend the emergency meeting to deal with the removal of Hansen from the ballot. These people have a fiduciary responsibility to serve the voters in St. Croix, not themselves nor their personal, petty, private agendas. The Supreme Court ruling has settled this matter once and for all, in spite of the collision between Fawkes, Hansen, the VI Attorney General, the lower court judges and Gov. Dejongh, who allowed this rancid can of worms to be opened with his pardon of Hansen’s criminal behavior.
    Those board members need to “get over themselves” and do their jobs or be removed from their duties since they are so reluctant to perform and deal with this issue, head on. It’s a slap in the face to VI voters!

    I,too, would like to know if Hansen has made any reparations towards the money she owes for her 3 counts of willfully defrauding the people of the Virgin Islands.

  3. This election is bound to be taken to court. It will cost the taxpayers time and money. All because the same old crap dished out by the same old people keep the VI from moving forward. Time to clean house of all the boards that do nothing, the government employees that do nothing, and the entire legislature that cant do anything positive for the VI taxpayers. . . only do things that help their cronies. Clean House !!!!!

  4. I hope that hate and wickedness will stop.
    Remember you have kids, grandkids and family.
    What goes around, comes around.

    Senator Gittens your day will also come for messing around with the pension.
    Why didn’t you cut your pay?

    It seems like you work for the wicked and they coach you.

  5. It is truly amazing when a public servant/government employee in these islands get caught doing something wrong, even arrested, when they know they are not wanted or needed any longer, they don’t just step down! With some dignity left and a little honor. They keep trying to ‘hold on’ and it’s just wrong.
    We have seen this continually over and over in many departments throughout the years.

  6. People make mistakes but that does not mean they should not recognize their mistake and do better.
    Are you suppose to roll over and play dead?

    What if you made a mistake and knocked someone with your car and all evidence is against you?
    Wouldn’t you like a second chance?

    I see that you guys have a lot to learn in life and if you have no understanding, please remember you have no control of what your family does or do.
    They too will be asking for a chance and you will hope that they get it.


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