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Dolphins Plunge into Ocean off Frederiksted

Dolphins Plunge into Ocean off Frederiksted

With the blow of a conch, more than 100 swimmers plunged into the ocean Sunday and swam a mile to raise money for a worthy cause on St. Croix. While the date is wintery, this was no frigid polar bear plunge, but a dive into warm, clear Caribbean waters off the Frederiksted Pier for the 11th annual Dolphins Sea Swim. The event is one of the St. Croix swim club’s largest fundraisers.

Dolphins swimmer Matthew Mays, 16, came in first place.

Before the race, a small army of volunteers was busy getting Rainbow Beach ready to receive the finishers. A column of bright yellow cones led up from the water, directing racers through an arch of balloons that served as the finish line.

Two visiting college teams took part in the race this year, Montclair State University in New Jersey and Fairfield University in Connecticut.

Also participating this year were swimmers from a swim facility and club in Puerto Rico.


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