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Support Communism and Protect Our Island


Dear Source:
The title is not what you think nor do I think that communism has anything to offer. My point using such an outrageous statement is to draw attention to a predicted critical issue that could have a devastating impact to our islands.
With the triumph of the Cuban Revolution, the U.S. economic blockade began and tourism from the United States was eliminated. With Fidel not supporting the tourism trade and the ban on U.S. tourist trade it has kept this large Caribbean travel site virtual untouched travel resource.
Tourism is not new in Cuba to other countries. Canadian tourists representing the number one country with tourists fleeing their harsh winters has focused the tourism trade as a tremendous potential. Buoyed by their strong dollar Canadians are flocking to Cuban beaches in record numbers and helping Cuba's tourist trade. Great Britain is a close second further pointing out to Cuba the importance of the tourist trade and the countries financial health.
Uncertainty over Cuba's future since Fidel Castro fell ill and handed over power to his brother has not deterred tourism. On the contrary, having Cuba in the news has spurred interest and concerns for tourism to other Caribbean islands.
Just think about the impact of an open Cuba coupled with the aggressive U.S. tourism industry prompting travel to a virtually untouched Caribbean destination. Numerous historic sites with prices that rival the cheapest destinations would be a certain draw. For the cruise ship lines the shorter distances from U.S. ports will quickly divert ports of call to include Cuba saving many thousands of dollars on fuel bills alone. Clearly this is also a strong concern to other islands that such a diversion of cruise ships will adversely affect their trade dollar.
All of us should be concerned that a open Cuba as a new sanctioned travel destination would be great for Cuba but would havoc on our tourist trade bring greater economic hardship to the Virgin Islands.
Keep Cuba closed and protect our islands and its residents.
Larry Boecker
St. Thomas

Editor's note: We welcome and encourage readers to keep the dialogue going by responding to Source commentary. Letters should be e-mailed with name and place of residence to [email protected].


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