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Vote for Different Results


Dear Source:

This year, 2013, is about to be history in a matter of days as we usher in 2014. Next year will be a pivotal and critical time for the people of the Virgin Islands, as we will be electing new leaders in the executive branch of government and perhaps in the legislative branch as well. As hopeful as we may be that the economic situation in the Virgin Islands will turn around, reality tells us that there are many challenges that must be addressed in order to effect that turn around.
We continue to hear the cry from just about every segment, every stratum of our communities, especially those that the representatives seem to have forgotten and have neglected once elected, that they are hurting and hurting badly. It appears that the elected officials are not feeling their pain and trying to bring relief to the suffering. A certain segment of the population seems to be doing extremely well, while the masses of the people are “catching hell”.
It is my fervent hope that the electorate will take the time to really study the resumes of individuals seeking their vote to become the next governor of these Virgin Islands. Because of where we are today, with the many critical challenges facing us, it is imperative that the voters realize that different results require different actions. In other words, the people of the Virgin Islands must expect that there would be no different results if the same players who have sat idly by simply admiring the problems and scratching their heads, made no real attempts to address the plight of the people, have suddenly found their “Eureka moment” and now have the answers. This is not a decision to be taken lightly and be based on who is the most popular or the best looking or have the longest tenure in an elected office or any of the above. It should be about the skills and the abilities demonstrated by what an individual has done in the past – the resume’.
Unlike what is said in the investment world about past performance guaranteeing future results, the individuals seeking the office should bring with them proven knowledge, skills and abilities that will indicate how they will perform in the future. Press releases, photo-ops and a regurgitation of the issues will not do it. The voters must look at accomplishments, look at character, look at possible solutions and ask, can I trust this individual to work in our best interest?
The people of the Virgin Islands are entitled to better, not more of the same. Let us keep the faith and hope alive and pray that the voters will be astute enough to choose the best person for the job based on qualifications, a proven track record of accomplishment and, most of all, a total dedication to the people of the Virgin Islands to improve the quality of life for all.
We need leadership that seriously understands the issues and will develop realistic and achievable plans to provide relief to the people of the Virgin Islands.
Happy Holidays and Seasons Greetings to All.

Albert W. “Bill” Elliott, a very concerned citizen
St. Croix


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