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The V.I. Can Shoot for the Moon


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On July 20th forty-five years ago the United States completed its goal of safely landing a man on the moon. In 1961, eight years before that historic event, President John F. Kennedy laid out his bold goal of reaching the moon in a speech before a joint session of congress and launched the greatest period of technological, scientific, and engineering innovation of the 20th Century. The goal he set captivated the nation and every American followed NASA’s march to the moon over those nine years with rapt attention.
Kennedy followed in the footsteps of others who set seemingly audacious goals and achieved them; Columbus’ voyage to the New World, Robert Perry’s quest to reach the north pole, Tenzing Norgay and Edmund Hillary’s goal to summit Mt. Everest, etc. What is notable about all of these historical figures is that none of them ever considered for a moment of only going half way. Half way is well, half way; not notable and not memorable.
Here in the Virgin Islands we are have a technological challenge that needs a solution and a leader with the courage and vision to set the goal to go all the way, not half way. Our challenge is to end our economy’s addiction to fossil fuel and to transition to an energy future that uses 100% renewable fuels (solar, wind, biogas, etc.). This is the VI’s comparable “moon shot.”
I attended a gubernatorial candidates forum last week in Frederiksted where the following question was asked, “The cost of electricity in the Virgin Islands is one of the highest in the world and is tied to unpredictable global fossil fuel markets. If you are elected governor will you upgrade the Territory’s current 10 year energy plan to match Aruba’s 5-year plan that calls for transitioning to 100% renewable energy for their electricity by 2020? The territory’s current 10-year plan keeps us dependent on fossil fuels for 40% of our power through 2025.”
Out of the five candidates who answered the question, only one answered with a definite yes, candidate Pickering. Other wanted to initiate studies, use as much as renewables energy as possible, or develop energy from garbage (no a renewable form or energy). In 1961 Kennedy didn’t say he wanted to launch a study about going to the moon, instead he set the goal to land on the moon. Goals precede studies; once you set the goal on where you want to go, you then figure out how to get there.
Will the Virgin Islands let Aruba be remembered as the first island nation in the Caribbean to reach the goal of producing all of its energy from renewable sources? Will you vote for candidates (governor or senators) who don’t have the courage to say we can Go 100% Renewable and get there first? Isn’t it time the Virgin Islands shoots for the moon?
Kelly Gloger
St. Thomas


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